Generaly in colleges, schools, universities, offices & in various internet cafes some of the websites were blocked.
But if we wanna still access these sites, then there are some tricks ..........
* Generaly, a tag 'http://' is attached with all sites. Then first try to access the site just by binding with 'https://' .Then the site will start working.
If it doesn't open, then
* you can use internet based proxy servers.
or can search for internet based proxy servers, & can access the block sites from there.
Open one of the proxy servers & enter the URL of blocked website into the input box & click on Go. Within few seconds the blocked website will be accessible for you..
i.e., we can access the blocked website through another website.
Let the above tricks get failed to work, then we have an another trick.
* We can convert the domain name into binary.
For this you have to use ping command.
1) For using ping command, follow the path as directed--
Run -> cmd-> ok
Syntax- ping <website URL> (enter)
For ex-
this will through the IP Address of that website.
2) Let its IP is
Then start Windows calculator.
3) Push decimal & enter the 1st part of the IP (i.e., let 167).
4) Now push binary . This will provide its (here 167) binary form.
5) Copy & paste it to address bar of the browser.
6) Similarly convert all the octane into binary & paste them into the browser.
7) Now click on Go.
If the http & proxy servers are blocked, then still this trick will open the blocked sites.
The blocked instant messengers can be accessed with the help of -
These provides various Instant Messengers. Like- Yahoo, RediffBol, Gtalk etc.
Neha Chourasia
Balaghat, Hacker